Propalin For Dogs

Lots of great information about propalin for dogs.
Many older dogs suffer from incontinence which means they don’t have control over their bladder. This can be very frustrating for an owner because of the mess involved. Even younger dogs can suffer from such problems though as a side effect of some other type of health concern.
Propalin is a type of medication for dogs that can help with such a situation. This product has been proven to work in about 90% of dogs regardless of the level of incontinence that they suffer from. Too many dogs are abandoned due to this medical problem or they are punished for something they can’t control. Getting them the help they need is the solution for it.
Even with a compassionate owner, the use of Propalin can make life easier for them. This medication isn’t very expensive either which is why pet owners are very excited about it. Many vets are now recommending it due to the results that studies show. While this drug is fairly new to being used in the United States, it has been used in the United Kingdom for quite some time.
The reason that Propalin is able to work is that it helps to make the muscles for the bladder stronger. This process will prevent accidental leaking from continuing or getting worse. In fact, this medication is the most effective if used when a dog is in the early stages of incontinence.
It is really easy to get your dog to take this medication too. It is a liquid form that is thick like syrup. It can be added to dog food and most pets will consume it with no trouble at all. There are also convenient pill forms of it offered as well. Most dogs start to show significant results in 3 to 7 days. The medication has to be administered every day. However, in no time at all it will become part of the routine and you will remember to give it.
Not all dogs are a good candidate for Propalin though so it is best to have an evaluation by the vet first. For dogs with serious health concerns this medication can cause additional problems. At the same time it can interfere with how effective other types of medications are for their health needs.
Even though you can get this medication without a prescription, you want to do what is in the best interest of your dog. If your pet is suffering from issues with incontinence though this can be a viable way for you to take positive action. It is definitely a better alternative than cleaning up after them several times a day!
With approximately two million dogs out there suffering from incontinence, the use of Propalin can help make their quality of life much better. At the same time it can help their owners to enjoy their dogs more. It is important to understand that incontinence can’t be cured. Therefore the use of Propalin to help treat the problem will have to be continued for the remainder of the dog’s life.
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