Dog Flea Control - Getting Rid of Fleas and Ticks

Although most of us love the advent of spring, we don't love some of the pests that multiply in the warmer weather. As flea and tick eggs begin to hatch, dog owners gear up to begin dog flea control. Fortunately, today's dog owner has many options to choose from when it comes to flea treatment for dogs.

Fleas_TicksIf you notice your dog is scratching and whining, then you probably have a flea-infested pet. Other signs of dog fleas are dirt specks on the dog's belly and armpits, welts from fresh fleabites on the dog's skin, and seeing actual fleas hopping around.

To get rid of fleas on your dog, start with a shampoo that repels fleas or a flea dip. Follow all directions on the bottle and make sure you consult with your vet before using an over the counter product. While many people still use flea collars and flea powder after giving their dog a flea dip or washing their dog with flea shampoo, there are new flea treatment productsicon that are much more effective when you need to get rid of dog fleas.

These flea medications literally kill fleas in seconds. There are several of them currently available, and your vet can recommend his preferred medication. To use the medication, you will need to apply the recommended dosage to the nape of your dog's neck and the base of his tail. These medications usually are effective for a month to six weeks. When they lose effectiveness you will need to apply a new dose of medicine.

Remember that to keep fleas off of your dog, you may need to spray your carpets with a good house spray that kills fleas and is dog safe. Your veterinarian can recommend a good spray. If your sofa is infested, you may need to apply flea powder under the cushions to get rid of fleas.

Finally, don't forget to check for the other warm weather dog pest, the tick. Ticks frequently attach themselves to your dog's muzzle or ears. Run your hands over your dog when he comes in from playing outside to check for attached ticks. If you find a tick, be careful you do not pull it off and leave the head in your dog's skin. Since ticks can carry Lyme Disease, you should use a good tick medication to keep them off your dog. Some flea medications also work on ticks. Consult with your veterinarian to be sure you buy the right product.

Now that your dog is protected from fleas and ticks, you can both enjoy warmer weather without worry.
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