Heartworm Medicine For Dogs Without A Prescription

Lots of great information about heartworm medicine for dogs without a prescription.
You don’t need to have a prescription for heartworm medicine in order to treat your dog. There are plenty of high quality medications out there that don’t require you to spend lots of money on them. You definitely want to have a line of defense in place though. Heartworm is a very serious health condition you want to prevent your dog from experiencing.
You can easily order heartworm medication online without a prescription and have it sent to your door. Keep in mind when you order such products that the dose will depend on the weight of your dog. There are three different weight categories that most of the brands of product offer. Should your dog be more than the maximum, you will need to offer two heartworm pills per month.
For example if your dog weighs 125 pounds it will need to consume a heartworm pill for dogs up to 100 pounds and then a second one for dogs up to 25 pounds. This is very important because if you don’t give your dog the right dose of product then you won’t be adequately protecting them against heartworm.
You also don’t want to give your dog too much of the medication or it can cause other health problems for them. The overall goal of offering them heartworm medication is so that they are able to live a very healthy and happy life. Some people assume you can only buy low quality heartworm medicine for dogs without a prescription but that isn’t true.
If you have a particular brand in mind that you want to use for your dog, you will be able to find it without a prescription. You will also pay less for it because it is sent to you direct. You don’t have to pay a hiked up rate due to a middleman being involved in the process. Yet you will still be getting access to the same great quality protection for your dog.
Take the time to examine the history of a given entity before you buy heartworm medicine from them. You want to make sure they have an excellent reputation with what the sell customers. Find out what their shipping charges are too because you don’t want to pay very much for that part of the process.
How long it takes for them to ship out the products also needs to be evaluated. That way if you forget to order the heartworm medication early you can still keep your dog on schedule. Many businesses can set you up for automatic shipping too. That way you will get them even if you overlook the fact that it is time to order them again.
Now that you can get heartworm medication for dogs without a prescription, there is no need to schedule an appointment at the vet when you need more. You also don’t have to pay high prices while the vet earns money off of promoting certain types of heartworm medications for the manufacturer.
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