Learn All About Worming Schedule For Dogs

Lots of great information about worming schedule for dogs.
Preventing worms for your dog is very important because they are more common than you might think. Even if you keep the environment your dog lives in very clean, there are times when they come into contact with other elements out there that have been infected. This can occur when you take them out for a walk, to the part, or even when other dogs come into your yard without your consent.
Getting into the habit of giving your dog the worm prevention medication from the start is very important. It is even more so for the very young puppies out there. They should get their first dose when they are 2 weeks of age. This should continue at 2 week intervals until they are 8 weeks of age. At that point, they can begin a regiment where they get the product monthly.
A monthly worming schedule for dogs is very important. Of course we all have very busy lives so marking this information down on a calendar where it won’t be overlooked is very important. You can even set alerts on your computer or your cell phone to remind you as that next worming date approaches.
It is important to stay on schedule with the worming product or you will increase the risk of your dog suffering from such an ailment. Even a few days of a delay can create a serious issue. When you use the last worm prevention product you have, that is the time to order more. Don’t wait until the day you need one again to realize you never got around to doing so.
If you get an adult dog that you aren’t sure if it has been on a worming schedule or not, you should consult with your vet. First, they will examine the dog to see if they have worms or not. If they do, that will need to be treated and then a prevention program implemented. If they don’t have worms then they will help you to get the dog on a schedule to ensure they don’t end up with them in the future.
Most vets would like to see a dog at least once a year. During that visit they may do a routine testing to make sure your dog doesn’t have worms. They will also ask you about the preventative measures you have been taking. If your area is one know for a high rate of worm problems, they may be offering additional testing days throughout the year when you can just walk in with your dog for a test to be performed.
Getting rid of worms can be very time consuming as well as expensive. You are much better off getting your dog on a regular worm prevention schedule from the very start. That way they will be as healthy as possible all the time. These types of parasites can affect the vital organs including the heart and lungs so you definitely want to keep your dog free of them.
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