Simple and Effective Cure for your Dogs Thunderstorm Anxiety

There are those puppies that shake with fear and attach themselves to you for comfort, which isn’t that bad EXCEPT at three in the morning when she wants to lay on your head.   Seriously, she gets to sleep all the next day, but I have to work – I have tried telling her that – but does she listen to me in the throngs of fear? – nope.
Dogs_Thunderstorm_AnxietyIf your dog is afraid of thunderstorms, the best kind of fearful dog to have is the one that hides.     Some dogs will hide in the closet, some will go into the bath tub and others will try and hide under your pillow with your head on it.    Except for the hiding under your pillow part, I can deal very well with the dog that hides.  Of course I say that now, but I do remember when my Ellie dug a hole in my mattress when I was at work one day many years ago because of a thunderstorm.
I have had almost every kind of scared dog during a storm.
  • There was Dago who hid in the bathtub.
  • Ellie who would shake with fear and dug the hole in my mattress or would chew on things.
  • Georgia who shakes and attaches herself to me.
  • Stanley who barks to chase the thunder away.
  • Maggie who hides.
I tried everything I could with Ellie (she was the absolute worst dog I have ever dealt with during storms) from giving her drugs to staying home with her.   The drugs made her into a dog that just wasn’t her.   The drugs didn’t last long at my house.   I would rather have my Ellie, not a zombie dog.     The best thing I could do for my Ellie was to stay home or take her with me. 
Thundershirt Helps Dogs Who Fear Thunderstorms
Where were you when Ellie was going through all of this fear stuff????   Ahhhhh, but you’re here now to help me with Georgia Grace.
What is the Thundershirt?
The Thundershirt’s concept is simple – gentle pressure to relieve anxiety.   The Thundershirt’s soothing pressure is believed to provide a sense of comfort and security.   As stated on their website “Pressure has been shown to have a calming effect on the nervous system.   Pressure has been used to successfully reduce anxiety for many years.   Examples include:
  • TTouch (TTouch dog trainers use pressure for a variety of anxieties).
  • Veterinarians use pressure to calm cattle for vaccinations.
  • Autistic people use pressure to relieve persistent anxiety.”
I have tried the “Anxiety Wrap” – but unless you are HOUDINI – it was a puzzle just to figure out how to put it on.   The Thundershirt is simple and affective.     The Thundershirt can be used to relieve anxiety during car trips, trips the vet and, of course, the dreaded thunderstorm.      Don’t wait for the next thunderstorm at 3 a.m. and wish you had a THUNDERSHIRT, get one for your fearful pooch as soon as you can.  
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