Simple Solutions to Eliminate Stool Eating

There are many theories as to why our dogs eat stool but very few solutions.  Here is what I have found to work very well for my dogs.

Feed Good Food
When your dog has a quality diet of premium kibble or raw, then you can rule out a nutritional deficiency in their diet.  Not only that, but by feeding them a quality food, you know you are helping them be as healthy as possible.
Keep the Yard Clean
While you cannot follow your dogs around the yard with a pooper scooper all day, keeping your yard as clean as possible will reduce the temptation to eat poop.  Sometimes dogs will learn this behavior by watching their counterparts so you want to stop it as soon as possible.
Supplement Their Diet with a Digestive Enzyme
Digestive enzymes help discourage stool eating by supplying  the necessary enzymes and factors for proper digestion, helping to maintain healthy intestinal tract function, eliminating flatulence and supporting their immune system.
Ingredients you want in your digestive enzyme supplement.
  1. Protease:  Protease refers to a group of enzymes.  These enzymes have the important job of breaking down proteins.  They can also be referred to as proteolytic enzymes or proteinases. The proteins are broken down to amino acides, their basic building blocks.  Protease is also important in helping the body to fight infections from viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.
  2. Amylase:  Is an enzyme made by the pancreas and salivary glands that breaks down starch into sugar.
  3. Cellulase:  Is a food enzyme.  It is not made by our bodies so it must be eaten on a daily basis. ONLY RAW FOODS contain cellulase.
  4. Lipase:  Is an enzyme that helps break down fats in foods and fat soluable vitamins so that they can be absorbed in the intestines.  Lipase is primarily produced in the pancreas but is also in the mouth and stomach. Most people produce enough pancreatic lipase, but people with cystic fibrosis, Crohns disease, and celiac disease may not have enough lipase to get the nutrition they need from their food.
  5. Bromelain:  Is an enzyme extracted from pineapple that helps with the digestion of proteins, reduces blood clotting, decreases inflammation, and stimulates the immune system.
  6. Papain:  Is an enzyme extracted from papayas that promotes digestion and the healing of wounds
  7. Invertase:  Is an important digestive enzyme that breaks down sugar (sucrose into fructose and glucose).
Ingredients you don’t want in your digestive enzyme supplement.
  1. Soy
  2. Milk
  3. Wheat
  4. Yeast
  5. Corn
  6. Cheese (or any other dairy product)
While I already worked diligently to keep our yard clean of waste and feed a great food to our dogs, the digestive enzyme supplement was the missing ingredient.  Once this was added to their daily feeding, the stool eating either stopped altogether or dramatically declined, stools were regular and firm and flatulence was almost non-existent.
The digestive enzyme that worked well for my dogs is Wholistic Digest-All™ .  If you have had a positive response in your animals from adding a digestive enzyme to their diet, please consider sharing your story.
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