How to House Train a Dog Fast

How to house train a dog fast is a question that almost every pet owner asks. If you currently own a puppy, or are planning to acquire one, chances are you have not only asked this question, but are searching for the best possible answer.
One of the best approaches to house breaking is to use a crate. This is one of the fastest and easiest methods. The first step in this approach is to purchase a crate that is big enough for your dog. You want to obtain one that permits your dog to stand up and turn around, but not much more.
People frequently buy a crate knowing that their puppy will grow into it. This is fine, but while the puppy is young and you are house training, you should make the crate smaller. The idea of crate training is to create a den impression upon the puppy.
You want the dog to view the crate as his den or bed. Dogs are generally clean animals and will avoid soiling in their beds. However, if your puppy is small and there is too much room in his crate, he may start using one end as a bathroom area.
No matter what you are trying to accomplish with your training, you should remember that positive techniques are faster and more effective than either corrections or negative reinforcement methods. Another part of training is to use a pleasant tone. Dogs are sensitive to emotions and tones. They may not know why you are mad, but they will understand the sharp or stern delivery.
Consistency is vital to any kind of training. It is up to you as a pet owner to be consistent with your puppy. Part of knowing how to house train a dog fast involves having a strict routine for the puppy. This includes his bathroom times and feeding times. When you get up in the morning, you are going to have to let your new friend out to pee. No, do not wait to have a cup of coffee, take him out.
In the evening, take him outside to his bathroom area as close to bedtime as possible. Puppies do not have the ability to wait for more than a few hours at a time. You may for the first few days have to get up and let him out during the night to prevent accidents.
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