How to Potty Train a Puppy

Everyone might tell you how to potty train a puppy, even those who have no dog. Puppies are not born with the understanding that peeing or pooping on your carpet floor is not pleasing. When puppies are young, they have small control over their bladders that is why they may urinate or defecate anytime anywhere. How to potty train a puppy does not have to be hard and complicated. As long as you are constant and patient, it ca be enjoyable, exciting and rewarding experience for you and your pet.


The most important thing you should know about on how to potty train a puppy is to remember not to scold or hit your dog.  Keep in mind that when potty training a puppy, you do not have to hurry and all puppies learn at their own time just like humans.
The process on how to potty train a puppy begins the moment you bring him home. Put him on a leash and put him on the place where you want him to do his business. You have to bring him there every single time so you must select a spot wisely. This will teach him that when he us brought in this area, he is to go potty but when he is allowed to wander or stray freely, it is playtime.
The next thing that will make your life trouble- free and simple when you are potty training is to set schedule! If you are starting with a small puppy, you will become aware that he needs to eliminate after feeding. Once he is done eating, take him to the assigned toilet area and let him do his thing.
It will wake a long time to potty train your puppy. Allow him to have regular access to the toilet area and do not leave your dog too long in his crate. This will result in training issues as your dog won’t be able to hold it. Give your puppy some rewards every time he will use the assigned elimination area to help increase his awareness in the toilet training.
By staying patient, not getting upset when your dog slips up and being sure to let him know that you are happy when he uses the area, you will find out that your dog will pick up the idea rapidly.  Confusions or being shut up indoors can cause delays in the learning process so be sure to be consistent and calm the whole time.
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