Crate Training

A dog crate is a metal, wire or plastic enclosure with a door in which your dog may be kept for precautions or transportation. Dog crates are intended to imitate a dog’s natural den and such as can provide them with a place of refuge at home or when traveling to new environment. Crate training your dog is a realistic and sensible way to house train your dog and protect the home at the same time. Crate training has a purpose to teach your dog to go into its crate on command for safety, obedience and general behavior control. Dogs do not like to soil their resting area so therefore crate is effective in housebreaking your dog.


Crate training should be kept positive. Introduce your dog to the crate slowly. It is an effective training used successfully by many dog owners and trainers alike. In choosing a crate, make sure that your dog is comfortable in it. The size of the crate should also take into consideration. If you have a puppy, it is best to buy an adjustable crate that will accommodate him later as an adult dog.  Place the crate in a place where your dog can still see you and the rest of your family and not in the place that is isolated because dogs are social animals.
Entice or tempt your dog into the crate by putting its favorite toy or snack inside the crate. Once your dog enters the crate, be sure to reward it or gently pat its head as a sign of appreciation. Never use the crate to punish your dog for any misbehavior.
Crate training has many benefits. The crate offers your dog the privacy and security. It is also easy for you to travel with your dog without him disturbing while you are driving. Commitment and tolerance is what you need in order to make sure that your dog completely understands the usage and purpose of the crate.  Suitable crate training is enjoyable not only for you but for your dog as well. Your dog will understand that the crate is a safe place where he can always feel comfortable and secure.
There are usually two main varieties of a dog crate; the all wire crate and the plastic crate. Plastic crate is more popular because it looks more likely a den but wire crate is adjustable that can accommodate your dog until he is an adult.
Depending on your dog and your attentiveness in training, crate training your dog can extent many different lengths of time. A crate is a dog training tool that can be used for the life of the dog or phase out slowly.
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