Puppy Training

An addition of a cute puppy is one of the most exciting times in every household. Having a puppy can also be exhausting especially when it starts chewing your things, barking all nights and making a mess everywhere. Every responsible puppy owner should consider puppy training in order to live harmoniously with their puppy. There are a lot of things to consider before getting or acquiring a puppy. Puppy training should start from 4 to 12 weeks of a puppy’s life. Your puppy is very eager to learn during this stage.

It is very important to give your puppy a proper training and instructions if you want him to learn rapidly. Give your puppy a specific place in the house or a crate if you don’t have a spare room. The bigger crate the better so that he can use it until he is an adult. The crucial stage of puppy training is the first week of his stay in a new home.
There are different types of puppy training. Puppy owners should decide on what type of puppy training is best for their pets. Puppy training sessions involve house training a puppy, crate training a puppy, leash training a puppy, playing and socializing training and obedience training.
Here are the most important things to remember during house training a puppy. You have to make sure that your puppy has an access to the toilet area. It is best to designate a toilet area for your puppy during house training. Give your puppy a special treat or reward after peeing or pooping in the right area or place. Positive reinforcement is a must. Do not punish your puppy if he commits mistakes during house training. Feed your puppy regularly and on time. Keep a record on when the last time your puppy eliminated.
Another effective way to house train a puppy is the crate training. It is consider as a good method of insuring the safety of your puppy. Your puppy will consider the crate his own place or territory. Your puppy will feel safe and protected in the crate whether in a different place.
You can also train your puppy to stop chewing or biting things around the house and minimize barking especially during night time. This is a common problem to most puppy owners. Puppies like to bite things during playing and teething period. What do you think is the cause of biting?  If your puppy doesn’t socialize there is a great possibility that it will result to biting. Give your puppy toys and let him play with other puppies to restrain him from biting things. Puppies that don’t socialize with other puppies are often destructive.
The best puppy training is the obedience training. Even if it doesn’t solve all the behavior problem of your puppy it is still the best training that you can give to your puppy. Obedience training is the best way for you to communicate to your puppy. In this type of training you need to communicate to give instructions like ‘stay’, ‘sit’ and ‘off’.
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