How Exactly To Potty Train Your Dog

Teaching one’s dog where and when to relieve itself is a vital task that all owners should carry out.  Taking the time to potty train your dog can be beneficial for many years to come.  Here are some of the most popular ways to do so.

Teach it at home
There are very simple ways to potty train that can be done in the home.  Dogs tend to respond to very basic methods of positive and negative reinforcement.  The first way to potty train your dog is to chastise it if it relieves itself in the wrong area.  If a pet goes in the corner of the living room or the den, an owner has to use simple commands to let it know that it has done something wrong.  “Bad!” and “No!” are two very good commands that get effective results.  The tone of voice that is used in this style of dog potty training is also important.  An owner has to be stern and forceful in order for a dog to fully grasp what it has done wrong.
Bring it to obedience school
For stubborn pets, an obedience school may need to be contacted.  These schools will know exactly how to potty train your dog in an effective and successful manner.  Because they specialize in difficult cases, they will know how to implement techniques that troublesome dogs will respond to.  Very often they will have special equipment or commands as part of their dog training.  It usually takes a few weeks before pets start to respond to obedience schools.
Teaching one’s pet how to potty train is an important task.  Mild mannered pets can be taught in the home using simple techniques.  More stubborn cases can be brought to obedience schools and institutions.  These are the two best ways to potty train your dog.
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