Big Dog Breed 1: Labradors

I think, among all the big dogs, my favorite breed is that of the Labrador Retriever. For big dogs, they are extremely gentle, but make excellent guard dogs and hunting companions as well. Heres some more info. about them!
Labradors_dogThe Lab is a kind of a gun dog, and is one of the most popular breeds of dogs found in the world. Labs make great assistance dogs, as they have the reputation to be extremely good natured, gentle, energetic and extremely bright! Labradors also make great companion dogs and working dogs too! Labradors work extremely well with little children, so they are an excellent big dog to get for a house with kids. They have also been known to perform well in shows.
Labrador retrievers have the tendency to become to wild and boisterous if left untamed, so it is best to train them early. Labradors also have the reputation to be always after food and fun, so get your treats on the ready if you want to get a Lab!
Labs grow to be large dogs, usually weighing in at around 80 lbs for males and 70 lbs for females. Be warned though, that Labs do have the tendency to become overweight. Labradors are usually gold, black or brown in color. Labs adapt easily to a wide range of functions. Thats why they make very good pets! They are not territorial, aggressive and destructive. Labradors, as from the name, are also very good retrievers. They like holding things in their mouths.
Owners should be warned that they have the tendency to chew things, and should be trained out of this naught behavior. Labradors love to run and swim and are excellent to take on trips! These qualities make them ideal pets, and my personal favorite choices for big dogs too!
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