Are You Sure Youre Ready For A Big Dog?

There are a world of responsibilities associated with getting a dog- any dog for that matter. Many people may think that a dog is just a dog, that they are all the same and it doesnt really matter what kind of breed they get! Well, these people are dead wrong!


All dogs are different. Different breeds have different temperaments. Now, if youve found yourself taking a liking to a big breed, you have to stop and ask yourself, Are you sure youre ready for a big dog? Here are some considerations to take into account if you ar eindeed thinking of getting a big dog.
1. Big dogs, especially purebreds, cost more- Can you shoulder this expense?
2.Big dogs will require a lot more space compared to say, a chihuahua- Does your present home have enough space to accommodate a future giant? Will your dog be comfortable and safe bounding about the place? If you live in close quarters, will you and your neighbors be able to live with the loud noises a big dog makes?
3. Big dogs need more food- Big dogs, as expected, have big appetites too. They can consume two to three times as much food as a small dog. Can your budget handle buying so much dog food?
Think about these questions before getting a big dog. It would be unfair for you and your pet if you really cant handle the responsibility.
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