Uh-oh, I need some dog training tips for Buzz

For better or worse, we went to the local shelter and fell in love with Buzz, a 9 month old Lab/Shepherd mix. He had such an adorable face and he really looked like he needed us. We brought him home and committed ourselves to dog training. Afterall, we wanted an obedient dog. The first day Buzz was very docile and we thought that this whole training thing was going to be easy. But then Buzz turned into an aggressive dog, barking at everyone who came near him, grabbing things and chewing them up,  trying to jump up on the kids. Housebreaking was a nightmare with accidents everywhere.


We needed help. We considered dog obedience classes but couldnt find one to meet our scheduling needs so we were locked in to home dog training. Then we tried crate training, but when we let Buzz out of the crate he became so aggressive that it was the kids in the crate for protection. After that we started searching for some dog obedience tips everywhere and anywhere.
We are really at our wits end and have even considered bringing Buzz back to the shelter. But we really cant stand the thought of what that would mean. Hes our dog and we have to find a way to train him and take away his aggression without the benefit of dog obedience school or or classes. I really hope we can figure out what to do because I know that underneath this behavior lies a great dog.
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