List of Breeds of Dogs

Why is a Dog Breed info profile important?
Knowing a particular breed group's history helps determine what pet best fits into your lifestyle. Researching information about dog breed profiles is the foundation of your future together. For example, Sporting puppies are adorable, but YOU may be Non-Sporting!
Breeds_DogsWhat is a pure bred dog?
Pure bred dogs have same breed parents sharing unmixed descents since breed recognition.
What are dog groups?
Dogs are allocated to groups based on natural instincts. Categories are like organized records of ancestry, originating by task or companion.
Mixes - Mixed Breeds, Designer Dogs, Mutts :
Non-AKC. Mixes of dog breeds range from the heinz 57 anyone's guess to the purist's controversial designer labels. Do not shoot emails over to the editor, no opinion or comment here. Simply sharing some pooch love with all pet lovers, offering up some info on the mixed. And a hint to adopt a shelter mutt or rescue from an agency if you don't have a designer pet budget.
Purposely mixed purebred verses the pure breed dog that escaped for a rendezvous. Either goes without controversy. Just the term 'designer' creates a stir, crossing dogs over and over againdoesn't make abreed. There's more to it than that, experts say. Still, Heinz 57s and mixed muttsturn heads of those wondering, "What kind of dog is that?"
Hundreds of dog breeds. Countless number of breed combinations. It is difficult to say what traits will dominate within a mix, canine personality for example can be aone-of-a-kind spirit.
Health speculations, I will leave up to those who like to debate this issue.Forced cross breeding is human's way of attempting to create the perfect dog. Sometimes for a unique pet. Sometimes to take the best characteristics of each breed, and/or hoping to cancel theknownhealthweaknesses.
Irresponsible backyard breeders, unethicalor well-meaning, want to sell you a pet.Be careful. Somecrossbreeds and combinations of breeds can be pricey. Remember to checkout your shelters and rescues, you may find exactly what you are looking for throughadoption.
Look directly into the eyes of these adorable mixes and you base your purchase on emotion. Do your homework to avoid a relationship disaster.Thisbrief overview is to help you get started.
Companion Dog Mix

Most of us think of companion dogs to be smaller, portable pets. Lightweight and fit anywhere, if your primary concerns are compact living space or a sedentary lifestyle. As you may have guessed, companion mixes are usually smaller too.

Popular are the poodle mixes. Many times terrier, too. Personality may surprise you if expecting the best of two breeds in one perfect package. For this reason, your local shelter or rescue will be of great assistance.

TIPS: Understand the coat care, grooming needs for these blends. Pups should be well-socialized to avoid snippy behavior towards children and strangers.
Herding Breed Mix

Medium to large sized. As with the name, herding tendencies. Herding, or gathering a crowd into a group, may be a bit scary to visitors or children. Generally, these mixes do along with everyone.

Best homed with the canine experienced, not a busy family. Rural or suburb dwellings, opposed to being left alone indoors or bored outdoors. Generally, non aggressive, high energy, and intelligent. Require exercise and stimulating attention.

TIPS: Formal training required. Give this pet a purpose or organized agility fun.
Terrier Mix

Small to medium sized. There are mixes of traditional terriers and mixes of the bull and terrier types. A popular example of bull and terrier would be pit bull. Irresponsible, aggressive breeding has given pit bulls a bad reputation.

Terrier mixes have a wide range of personality. Spunk and spirit can be a blessing, or a curse, depending on the individual dog, your lifestyle and level of canine experience. Council with those in the know.

TIPS: Yes, these are ideal family pets. However, don't be fooled by size. Required from you would be training, exercise, attention, and socialization.
Hound Mix

Sizes and mixes vary, short legged or leggy. Vocal roamer, not so great for apartment living. Rural areas are best - Loves the outdoors. Great companion, with families and other pets.

Scenthound examples are the Basset Hound and Beagle, work and time from you is a must. Sighthound example, the Greyhound.

TIPS: Leash! You'll need a fence, too.
Gun Dog Mix

Looking for a Service Dog? Hunting instincts, like to roam. Seek a reputable agency, not the backyard breeder or ads, for an individual mix that fits best into your lifestyle.

Sizes? You will see many different varieties. All kinds of mixes with Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Pointers.

TIPS: Great playmates for kids and other pets. But, require lots of exercise and formal training to be good citizens.
Northern Breed Mix

Thick coats, expect shedding with these who prefer cold climate in northern parts of the world. Outdoor activities. Wide range in temperment, typical moderate to high energy. Known for utility or working.

TIPS: Chow Chows, Huskys, and Akitas are common. Helpful to read up on the purebred within the mix to determine what is required of you, perhaps fencing.
Guardian Breed Mix

Large and dominant. Gentle giants for an active family. Wonderful companions if you are not a neat freak, think drool. Extensive space and pet budget required, as well as socialization.

Irresponsible breeding for aggressive behavior has labeled these mixes 'dangerous' and many end up in shelters. Examples include mixes of Mastiff, Newfoundlands, and Saint Bernards. Your shelter can guide you in determining if a particular mix fits well into your lifestyle.

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