Natural Flea Products For Dogs

Lots of great information about natural flea products for dogs.
It is understandable why using products to keep fleas away is so important. However, the down side to many of the products offered on the market is that they have chemicals on them that really aren’t good to expose your dog to. This includes various sprays and even those collars that have flea repellant on them. Taking care of your dog’s overall health is just as important as preventing fleas.
Natural_ProductsThat is why you should consider the natural flea products that are out there. It is really easier than you might think to do so. Garlic powder added to the food your dog eats daily is a great place to start. If your dog doesn’t care for the way this alters the taste, you can go with garlic tablets.
Most dogs will swallow them whole or you can hide them in their food and they won’t ever notice. A diet that includes high quality ingredients is very important too. If you give your dog cheaply made dog food they are going to be more likely to have a coat that attracts fleas.
Some people use a variety of soaps in order to wash their dogs. It is a common misconception that only dirty dogs get fleas. Any type of dog can contract them. When you wash your dog too often the natural oils that protect the skin and coat can be removed. There can also be harsh chemicals in those shampoo products that irritate the skin. This makes it more vulnerable to become a host for fleas.
You never want to put any product that contains chemicals on the skin of your dog. The reason for this is simple. Dogs have a desire to keep themselves clean and so they do this by licking. When they lick areas of the body that have chemical residue on them it can be taken into their body. In such a format, what you used could become toxic. When you put flea drops on your dog with chemicals in them this is what often occurs.
When you wash your dog you want to use products that are chemical and dye free such as those for infants. You can also use a few drops of Pennyroyal Oil. You can get that from most health food stores or online. Take the time to routinely wash the area where your dog sleeps too. Using a vacuum on pillows and washing their blankets with hot water can keep fleas away.
You can also place large pillows into plastic bags for a couple of days with the tops sealed securely shut. This will kill any fleas or eggs that may be on them. Routinely check your dog for signs of fleas too. You can use tweezers and combs to remove them and their eggs.
All of these efforts can help to prevent a serious problem with fleas for your dog. At the same time though these natural remedies help ensure you don’t expose your pet to harmful elements that can create serious health concerns for them.
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