Cyclosporine For Dogs

Lots of great information about cyclosporine for dogs.
Cyclosporine is a type of medication that can be used for dogs a variety of different health problems. It was first used in dogs for the treatment of dry eyes which can occur when the tear ducts of a dog become inflamed. More than 85% of dogs with this medical condition have found relief due to the daily use of this type of medication.
There are more dogs out there with itchy skin due to skin irritations than most of us realize. There are a variety of reasons that their skin experiences such problems but it is primarily due to allergens in the air. The use of Cyclosporine helps to reduce the swelling and inflammation due to such an allergic reaction. As a result the dog won’t be so uncomfortable.
Another reason why Cyclosporine is used for such allergic reactions is that it isn’t harmful for dogs. Too many other treatments out there for skin irritations also come with a long list of harsh side effects. Being able to avoid them from the start means your dog will be feeling like his or her old self in no time at all.
There are also dogs out there that suffer from asthma. This means they may find it hard to breath due to inflammation in the lungs. The use of Cyclosporine though can allow them to breath normally once again. Since a dog can’t use an inhaler as a person can, this method of treatment is a great way to stop asthma attacks before they even start. Such prevention has improved the quality of life for dogs with such a medical need.
The fact that Cyclosporine seems to work well when a dog is also taking other forms of medication is important to consider too. That means that the use of it won’t hinder the benefits that the dog is gaining from different medications for other health concerns.
Depending on the situation, a dog may be given Cyclosporine twice a day for a period of time. With some health problems though the daily use if it for the rest of the dog’s life will be required. The dosage has to be altered depending on the need for the medication and the size of the dog.
Any dog with kidney or liver problems should avoid being given Cyclosporine. This is why a vet will do blood work and urine testing before they approve this type of medication to be given to any dog. Never give this form of medication to your pet without the authorization of your vet. It may have been fine for another dog you have but not the other one.
While this type of medication does work very well for all of these health concerns in dogs, it is also very expensive. That is why your vet may try to help you find a different method of treatment first that is more affordable. That is especially true when you are talking about a dog that will need to use this medication every single day for life.
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