Vitamin E

What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat soluable vitamin that is part of a group of eight related tocopherols.  A natural preservative, tocopherols are often used in premium pet foods in place of the chemical preservatives BHA, BHT, and Ethoxyquin.
Vitamin_E Why is Vitamin E important?
Vitamin E is essential for cell membrane integrity and a strong immune system.  It strengthens the tissues and functions as an antioxidant by reducing the oxidation of other vitamins.
Antioxidants are needed to trap free radicals that are produced as a result of muscles doing their job.  The harder and longer muscles work, the more oxygen they consume and the more free radicals are then produced.  Antioxidants are what neutralize the free radicals.  Without antioxidants, the free radicals would essentially “steal” what they need (an electron) from neighboring cells creating a chain reaction of free radical formation.
Foods containing Vitamin E
  1. Fruits:  blueberries, kiwi
  2. Vegetables:  turnip greens, swiss chard, spinach, papya, olives, bell pepper, brussel sprouts, tomato, broccoli, tomatoe, collard greens
  3. Also found in almonds, parsley, sunflower seeds, mustard greens, turnip greens
Does your dog need a Vitamin E supplementation?
Performance and working dogs use a lot of muscles when practicing and performing their jobs.  Vitamin E can potentially get depleted in dogs working under strenuous conditions. Since the body can only produce and make available a limited amount of antioxidants, if the dog needs more than it produce, circulating free radicals will cause cellular damage.
Is your dog is active in competition, training, or working regularly?   If yes, then supplementation with vitamin E could be beneficial.
Is Vitamin E safe?
Vitamin E is fat soluble which means it can be stored in fat deposits.  Therefore, supplementing with high doses for sustained periods of time could result in toxicity however, information from animal studies show the toxicity is low.  Vitamin E is not mutagenic, carcinogenic or teratogenic
Dosages are in IU (International Units) and vary depending upon the size of your dog. Daily doses range from 50-400 IU.  Supplementation can also be given 6-12 hours prior to an intense workout or event.
  • < 15 lbs give 100 IU /day
  • 15-50 lbs give 200-300 UI/day
  • > 50 lbs give 300-400 IU/day
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