Raw Diet for Dogs | Good or Bad?

With so many food options for your dog, it can be a little overwhelming at times.  Its kind of like the feeling you get standing in the wine isle or in the nutritional supplement section.  So many options.  Which one is better.  Why cant there just be one the best one?
Well, having choice is both a blessing and a frustration.  So it is up to us to find the best product for our pets.
Dog Food Options
Having choice requires us to become educated.  It also allows us to have options for our pets who suffer from disease, illness or even for our high energy working and performance pets.  There are many choices in our options of dog food because there are so many differing needs in our dogs.
Why Feed a Raw Diet?
Raw diets are just one of the many options we have for our dogs.  So why consider raw?
Raw is something that you can make at home.  It takes a little bit of homework to figure out what to feed the dog and how much to feed your dogs, but the payout is that you know exactly what your dogs are eating.  There are some legitamate concerns surrounding commercial foods as there have been multiple food recalls over the past couple years.
Benefits to Feeding Raw
  1. You know exactly what your dog is eating
  2. If your dog has food allergies, it can be easier to eliminate the allergens from their diet
  3. Less waste as you will have elimated fillers from their diet
  4. There are premade raw food options available from select dog food stores so you dont have to make it yourself
  5. Dogs seem to like it
Possible Negatives to Feeding Raw
  1. Dont provide your dogs with enough nutrients
  2. Dont prepare your dogs digestive system for the change in diet
  3. Dont follow proper handling techniques of raw material
  4. Cost
  5. Time consuming to make
There are many quality books available on feeding your dog a raw diet if you feel this is the path you would like to take.  Even if you opt to purchase a premade variety of raw food, I recommend you become educated on the topic so you know your dog is getting all the nutrients they need.
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