Natural Treatment of Worms

Puppies are born with intestinal worms. I know, not a fun topic but it’s important because adult dogs can get worms too.  Intestinal worms can  can lead to a variety of nonspecific symptoms in our dogs.  Although they don’t usually cause serious problems but they do need to be addressed.  They can also infect your children if they play in worm infected areas
Types of Worms

All puppies are born with worms.Children can get infected if they play in areas where worm infected dogs have been.
  1. Tapeworms;  Tapeworms dont cause really obvious signs or symptoms but can be seen excreted in the stool.  They look like little pieces of rice in the stool or can also be seen around pets rear.
  2. Roundsworms;  Roundworms do present with symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and a dull coat.  They look like spaghetti in the stool.
Signs of Worms
  1. Vomiting or diarrhea
  2. Scooting bottom across the floor
  3. Worms (whole or parts) in the stool
  4. Tired and weak
  5. Can’t gain weight even though eating well
Our dogs are constantly exposed to worms but if their immune system is strong, they don’t usually pose a problem.
While there are over-the-counter deworming products available from your local pet store, there are natural options to treat adn support our pets intestinal system.
Natural Solutions
1.  Garlic
Helps to keep the intestines clean. You can purchase a garlic supplement or chop or mince fresh garlic and add it to their food.
2.  Bran Oat or Wheat Bran
Can added to their food daily. Bran can help naturally get rid of worms that are already in the dog’s intestinal tract.
3.  Sweet Potatoes & Pumpkin
While sweet potatoes may not get rid of worms, it will help with the diarrhea and upset stomach associated with worms. Can be given daily until they feel better. Pumpkin also helps sooth their stomach.
4.  Digestive Enzymes & Acidophilus
Digestive Enzymes help to support your pets digestive system and aciophilus helps to colonize good bacteria that can be disrupted with a worm infestation.  Digestive enzymes come in capsule and live acidophilis can be found in yogurt.  Be sure to feed plain yogurt and not the flavored, sweetened kind.
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