A better way to reconnect lost dogs with their owners.
Recently my husband and I had 2 canine visitors come to the house. As we were preparing for a wonderful day trip, these 2 lost souls walked right up the driveway as if they had been here before. One was definately older, his muzzle was graying, he walked slower and appeared to be a mixed breed that most resembled a sheltie. His companion was a young, happy husky with the most beautiful blue eyes.
They came up, sat down and waited paitiently for a gentle pat on the head. My husband quickly encouraged them to follow him up to the front door and we got slip leads on them before they decided to continue on their journey. But, they really didnt seem to want to leave. It was as if they had decided they had done enough running.
They were both tired and thirsty. Once inside, they each drank heartily and laid down to rest. The husky had an old choke collar on and the older dog had a collar with a tag. Yeah, we could find out his name and home address. While they dogs appeared to be old friends, we were not certain that they had actually gotten lost together maybe they had met along their journey?
Well, the name on the old guys tag was Bummer. Bummer I said, well that said it all on many levels! We quickly called the number on the tag only to find out that it had been disconnected. I tried back again, just to be certain I hadnt called the wrong number. Nope. Disconnected.
Now what?
I called the 2 local humane societys only to find out they were closed. It was Sunday on the July 4th weekend. Bummer thats for sure! I found myself getting very frustrated. How were their owners going to find them? Even if it wasnt the holiday weekend, if you find a dog on the weekend when the shelters are closed, there isnt a place to take them. I couldnt believe it! We called the local 24 Emergency veterinarian clinic and they said they wouldnt take the dogs but did offer to scan the dogs for microchip information.
Now we have dogs, a big yard, lots of extra kennels, leashes, bowls, food and love to go around, but what if someone found a dog and didnt what if these were my dogs?.
My husband had a great idea. We looked up the address on Bummers tag and found it was 4 miles north of our home. If the dogs had actually come from this location, they were very luck puppies as they had traveled far and crossed very busy streets along their journey.
We left the dogs at our home to relax and cool down as we went to investigate their potential home. When we got to the home, no one was there but luckily their neighbours were home. They confirmed that their neighbours had dogs matching the wandering pair we had at home and we left our contact information with them and also on their front door. One hour late we got the call. Bummer and Mr. Blue Eyes (we never found out his name) would soon be heading back home!