How To Correct Bad Dog Behavior Begging For Food

There just born to have a very good sense of smell and they Love food. So when it comes to meal time, our smart 4-legged friend (or even puppy) would get ready and show us their innocent look and hope we will give in and share our food with them
Quite often they would get what they want (thanks to their hard to refuse look!) .
Bad_Dog_BehaviorAlthough you may think this is not a big deal for you, but imagine when you have young children or guests around, and your dog is begging around the dinner table?
It would not be a very pleasant meal.
To prevent this type of dog behavior, you will need to do two things: first, dont reinforce their behavior by giving your dog food from the table. If you never feed your dog human food, they will not beg.
Second take control of the situation by training them to lie down and stay.
The down-stay obedience technique is a very useful exercise your dog must learn. Its not only prevent your dog to beg at the table, but it is also a great technique to convince your dog that you are his pack
leader and he is under complete control.
To start this obedience exercise, choose an environment with minimal distractions. Have your dog lie down in a spot you choose. Your dog must remain laying down within the imaginary circle in your mind around your dog. Allow your dog to shift his position such as flopping on his side or rolling belly up, move his head and wag his tail.
But do not let your dog stand up.
If he tries to stand up or roll out of the imaginary circle, put him back in the down-stay position every time. Start off for fifteen to thirty seconds and slowly increase each time when it is successful. Be patient and consistent and soon you will have a dog that can lie down and be under control in any situation.