Dog Obedience Training Principles

Dog is an animal which can be used in variety of ways. Dog can be used to safeguard house against any outside persons invasion, secondly by physically handicapped persons can use the services of Dogs as a very good friend doing them favors for them. Thirdly, it can be used for Police and military forces towards variety of things such as Bombs Squads, Smuggle Articles Detection, and Thief catching, etc. Fourthly it can be a wonderful animal giving so much love and affection for those who care for it.

There are certain principles to be followed to make dogs so good and fine. They are said to be dog Obedience Training Principles.
Understanding and Consistency: The first principle of the Dog Obedience Training is for the dog to understand the command and process it. In order to understand and Obeying takes places only when the dog gets associated with the dog trainer. The tone, actions and words are things, which enhance the efficiency of the dog on understanding the command and doing it. Frequent commands of different kinds can confuse dogs of certain sorts, and one has to go in a small number of commands at first and improve on it further. One of the most important things to note is not to punish the dog for acting late or not acting in a timely manner, which will make the dog more to go into its shell. This will make it much harder to understand the further commands and obeisance. To think about the further outcome of it would be the dog will not be obeying since the last doing got punishments from the care taker. Apart from this, the use of same words by all persons on the house for specific command can yield better and fruitful results otherwise the dog may get little bit confused and cannot be able to understand better.
Command to be Short: The dogs cannot understand by the words we speak, but it does understand the directions and way of speech and specific small words. The use of small words for doing certain things can be trained in much better ways. The dog interprets the words spoken along with the directions through hands and gestures of the dog trainer and learns about the drills and does it so. So it is better to use the same words and sentences in short for doing specific things, and the dog can catch it up very shortly. The use of single words can even get better responses and can be very handy to do dog obedience training. There are different types of training Dogs such as asking them to sit down, stand up, run, chasing battery cars, bring in a ball or news papers, etc., which can keep it interested in training. One has to do different types of activities to keep dogs interested as keeping one or two items can bring boring sessions and decreasing interest on it.
Don’t Ever Force a Punishment: The Dogs show love and affection for those who take care of it. It is one of the fine points of dogs to be a gift of god for mankind. There are certain times when the dog refuses to obey an order it may be due to the lot of things such as understanding difficulties, any diseases and pain it is having, or suspicion over the command or commanding persons, etc. In those periods the Dog Trainers with the help of experience and expertise can know the root cause of such behavioral problems and can sort it out very easily. The Dog Trainer always preferred the mode of love and affection towards dog obedience training. On the other hand, the Punishments can bring confusion in the mind of dogs and can make it react different or even in an unforeseeable manner.
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