Dog Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a safe, natural and drugless approach to health care.  It helps keep the nervous system healthy.  The nervous system is vital for proper functioning of the entire body including the organs, muscles and joints.
Spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, result in neurological and biomechanical dysfunction.  A chiropractic adjustment is aimed at removing the subluxations and restoring optimal function.  Once the interference is removed, the body is able to heal.
Chiropractic Can Help Dogs
Chiropractic treatment is helpful for the following conditions your dog may be experiencing;
  1. Muscle Spasm
  2. Injuries from a slip or a fall
  3. Sports injuries
  4. Neck, back and leg pain
  5. Limping
  6. Disc, joint and nerve problems
  7. Maintenance of joint and spinal health
Does Your Dog Need a Chiropractic Check-up?
  1. Has your pet has competed in athletic events (agility, obedience, herding, flyball, Frisbee)
  2. Had difficulty getting up or down
  3. Had seizures or neurological problems
  4. Is over 7 years old
  5. Had changed in their mood or behavior (grumpy, lethargic, doesnt jump onto the couch anymore)
Chiropractic can help your canine companions and athletes live happier, healthier lives naturally.
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