Crate Training Puppies

Crate training puppies have lots of benefits for the owner as well as the puppies. This will not just insure the safety of your puppies but also the safety of your things like your shoes, carpet and furniture. Crate training puppies is very essential if you want your puppies to be house-trained until they become adults. Crate should not be used as a tool for punishment. It should be a safe and resting place that your puppies can consider their own. Crate teaching your puppies will also help them to restrain from barking and crying all night. It will also help your puppies to control themselves from eliminating anywhere.


Puppy owner should purchase a crate that has enough space for the puppy to sit, stand and roam around. You should see to it that there is a comfortable puppy bed, enough supply of clean water and toys inside the crate. Chew toys should always be present in the crate because puppies get easily bored.
Educate your puppy how to get inside his crate. Give him reward when he goes inside the crate. Sooner your puppy will get used to it and will consider his crate his own place.
Give puppy an adequate amount of time to eliminate before you let him get inside the crate. There should always be a chew toy inside the crate.
Puppies eliminate more often compared to adults. There is a great tendency that puppies need to eliminate in the middle of the night. You have to see to it that the crate is located not too far from your room so that you will hear your puppy cries during night time.
If your puppy cries don’t let him sleep outside the crate. It will lengthen the training process. Be consistent about the time when your puppy needs to get inside the crate. Same as the command you are telling your puppy. Your puppy will be familiar with the command and every time you say that command to him he will get inside of the crate.
Puppies are very hyper active and want to play with you as well as with other puppies. Be considerate and sensitive to your puppy. Allocate even just a little of your precious time to take your puppy out in the morning and play with him. That will also be the perfect time for him to eliminate.
After a few weeks of crate training your life with your puppy will be trouble-free. You are going to have a well-behaved and house-trained puppy that you will surely love.
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