Symptoms of Pain and Illness in Dogs

For pet owners, it could be hard to see your pets suffering from any illness, may it be a minor or a major one. And so, it is essential that you are able to discern any signs that could be the start of an illness. Here are some tips to help you out in checking if your dog is feeling well.

You would first need to observe if your dog is having a diarrhea or is vomiting, as that could be an allergic reaction to something that the dog ate or drank. Although it is not something that you should really worry about, it may be an indication of another more serious illness. If vomiting has lasted for more than a couple of days or has some blood or mucus or is black in color, then it would be best to consult the veterinarian.

Also check if the urine is dilute, cloudy or has blood. This could be an indication of a kidney or a bladder infection. The color of normal urine is clear yellow. Also check for the frequency, as these could also be symptoms of a kidney disorder.

Take note of the water consumption of your dog. Too much water intake could signify a kidney problem, however, it could also be just because your dog as been feeling hot or has been doing a lot of activities.

Check the nose of your dog. It should be wet and cold, not runny. If it is warm and dry, it could mean that your dog is dehydrated and that he probably needs more water or a sign of an illness.

Check the insides of the mouth of your do. If his gums are more red then pink, this could be a sign of a gum disease. Also a sign of possible tooth decay or gum disease or even a metabolic disorder would be drooling or bad breath.

Observe the energy of your dog. Increased restless could be the sign of an illness as much as increased restfulness.

Also monitor the eating habits of your dog, as well as the ideal weight for your dog. This would make you more informed as to when you should be alarmed with any increased or decreased appetite or any sudden weight loss or weight gain.

Check your dog’s breathing regularly, as difficulty in breathing may signify a respiratory problem, cancer or heart disorder.

Of course, it is always best to visit your dog’s veterinarian to be able to know his exact condition so that you would also be able to take the appropriate steps to help him get better.

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