Senior Dog Health

Dogs 10-13 years old are already considered senior. Small breeds are believed to live longer than larger breeds. However, health problems depend on a dog’s class, size and activity level. Thus, the following problems your dogs might encounter include: Liver and kidney irregularities, disease in the joint and bones, Teeth and gum infection, slow metabolism, skin becomes thin and rigid, the coat turned speckled and erratic, primary senses gets dreary, cataracts and glaucoma can be developed and are also prone to arthritis.

Dogs are similar to people. As they reach old age, the mental faculty is mostly affected developing slow memory and changes in behavior. Some of these Behavioral changes may include as dogs reach old age: Sensitivity to noise, barking at no reasons, a violent behavior and anxiety. Physical changes also occur like the inability to heal infected areas fast and the weakening of the Kidney.

The following health signs to take note of and is worth a call to your veterinarian includes: vomiting or diarrhea that lasts for more than a day, weight changes, coughing, excessive panting, increased rigidity, difficulty climbing the stairs and jumping up, disorientation, change in appetite, difficulty swallowing or chewing, lumps, swellings or open sores, hair loss, seizures and changes in urination or stools.

To get rid of these ailments, keeping vaccinations up to date and a regular physical examination are needed. Other things to consider such as:

• Nutrition - Older dog’s nutritional needs are different from the younger ones. A diet should have lower calories and fat.

• Exercise - dogs need exercise to adjust to their changing lifestyles.

• Dietary Supplements - taking in mineral or vitamin supplement is needed to sustain your dog’s health.

• Dental - keep teeth clean. Periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases of dogs.

Lastly, keep a clean, active, comfortable and happy lifestyle for your dogs.

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