Dogs And Babies

Dogs are very attracted to little babies because babies need more protection than older children. At first greeting, the dog will sniff the baby. This is ok. However, you should be careful when the dog lick the baby as this might scare the baby. Letting the dog lick the baby is all right if the dog is clean and vaccinated against germs and diseases.


Dogs can be jealous of family member, especially when it comes to babies. This is because the family will pay more attention to babies rather than the dog. Dogs that butt in feels threatened. They want to join in because they don’t want to feel left out. The most difficult type of dog jealousy happens when the dog comes in the family before the first child. In this case, introduce the dog to smell the baby: diapers, powder, special food, and nursery. Don’t change the dog’s routine.

The dog will feel that she is more dominant if the baby is sleeping. Once the dog gets used to seeing the baby and the baby’s smell, the dog will be more in a position to handle the sounds and movements.Reinforce good behavior.

Do not neglect your dog and isolate the baby from the dog. If the dog sees that the baby is separated, she will think that the baby is not one of the pack and tries to drive the baby away by growling and nipping. If the dog is being ignored or reprimamded, the dog will blame it on the baby and tries to work her way back into the pack which will cause behavior problem.
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