Dog Grooming Basics

Learning them will keep your dog healthy, happy & huggable.

Dog grooming is not just for looks!
Did you know that a certain amount of grooming is an essential contributor to your dogs over all health?

I personally dog groom all my dogs myself. I do this for several reasons; the time it takes to transport all the dogs back and forth to the groomers, the money that is saved (always a bonus!) and the one-on-one interaction with each of my dogs strengthens our bond.

If you are willing to learn the basics, and set a routine of regular home dog grooming, you will find that it's relatively easy to do and can be quite stress-free for both you and your dog.

Regular dog grooming is not limited to just bathing and brushing your dog. Also included is attention to ears, eyes, nails and teeth.

Having the right grooming supplies and tools to aid you, will make the job much easier and faster.

How to handle a dog that doesn't like to be handled

Here are a few steps expert groomers suggest you try:

  • It is best to start dog grooming as early as you can to get your dog accustomed to your touch, so he won't mind being handled.

  • Take a few moments before starting each grooming session to lightly massage your dog's body parts - the paws, between the toes, legs, around the ears ect. My dogs really enjoy this part! They become like putty in my hands.

  • Introduce each grooming process gradually and for short periods of time in the beginning. Remember to be patient with your dog.

  • Try and keep your dog comfortable and talk to him in a calm reassuring voice.

  • Keep the process positive and reward good behavior with praise and favorite treats.

  • If your dog starts to exhibit any negative behavior; address it, but do not dwell on it. You want your dog to associate the dog grooming as a pleasurable time.

  • Taking this kind of care will be well worth your effort. Turning a potentially bad experience into a rather enjoyable one for both you and your dog.

    I hope this article was able to offer you tips on making dog grooming a natural and hassle free part of caring for your dog.
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