Creating Endless Enjoyment For You And Your Dog With Dog Toys

One  thing’s for sure- dogs love to play with dog toys!If given the chance, they would play all day long! Dog owners usually don’t have the time or energy to keep up with their dog’s play, so getting Rover a couple of toys is a good way to keep him occupied. There are all sorts of dog toys available to suit any size dog or any temperament. 


Chewy toys are among the most popular. These are best if they are made out of hard rubber or rope. Although raw hide and pig’s ears are commonly sold as chew toys, they should be used with supervision because they break up into small pieces that could lodge in your dog’s throat. Hard rubber toys last longer and are safer for your dog. 

Tennis balls also make a good toy for your dog, but be careful to throw out any that have been chewed through. Tennis balls make great toys but terrible food! 

There are several dog toys designed to distract your dog and keep him occupied. Toys that have hidden treats inside encourage your dog to keep on trying to get at the goodies. These toys are designed to release a treat when they are in a certain position, so your dog is kept stimulated for hours at a time while he tries to figure out the “secret.” 

Kongs are toys that can be filled with a mixture of doggy treats and peanut butter. Your dog has to chew at them to access the treats, and he only gets them in small amounts! Kongs keep your dog occupied for hours! 

There is a class of dog toys called “comfort toys” that help your dog feel secure. Stuffed animals are sometimes used as comfort toys, but you need to choose them with care. Some dogs treat stuffed animals as “prey” and will try to kill them by biting and tearing at them. If your dog exhibits this behavior you need to be careful about the filling used in these dog toys. If the toy is labeled as safe for children under 3 years of age, it should be OK for a dog. Don’t let your dog eat the stuffing, though. 

A more “comforting” comfort toy may be an old shirt or other piece of clothing that smells like you! Your dog will feel secure when reminded of your presence with this type of comfort toy.
You can buy a selection of dog toys to keep your dog interested and stimulated. Rather than giving all of them to him at once, you can change them from week to week so that he always has something “new” to play with. 

Your dog may develop an attachment to a favorite toy. If this happens, don’t take it away from him! Exchange his other dog toys from time to time but let him keep his favorite with him all the time for a happy and stimulated doggy!
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