Bad dog breath - How to cure

If you cringe at the thought of receiving a kiss from your dog, your pet probably has a problem with bad dog breath. Instead of avoiding that case of dog bad breath, work to cure the problem so you can enjoy your dog's company once again.


Bad breath in dogs is often caused by plaque. You can work on this problem at home by buying a dog toothpaste and toothbrush. Frequent brushing will help remove plaque and cut down on odors. If you still have problems with plaque, you may need to ask your veterinarian about getting a teeth cleaning for your dog.

Rotten food that is stuck in your dog's teeth is another reason why a dog can have bad breath. While brushing can really help eliminate odors from rotten food, you can also buy dog bones that help keep teeth clean. Feeding dry food is another simple way that you can help alleviate this problem.
One reason for bad breath that always requires veterinary intervention is rotten teeth. If your dog did not lose some of his first set of teeth when the second set came in, the older teeth may be rotten. The veterinarian can pull the bad teeth and your dog will have fresh breath again in no time. Even if the teeth are not rotten, they can still be the cause of bad breath in your dog because they are to close to the new teeth. This frequently causes food to catch in the space between the teeth and rot.

If you can't find a reason for your dog's bad breath, make sure you ask your veterinarian to check for health problems that could be causing the odor. For instance, your dog could have a stomach problem that is creating the smell in his mouth. Your veterinarian can help you rule out any serious health concerns.

However, sometimes there is no discernable reason for why dogs have bad breath. Dog halitosis can be treated or masked with several new products for dog breath. Dog treats for breath usually come in small tins that look similar to the mint tins for humans. These treats provide a quick fix for stinky breath.

Another simple product that can help reduce bad breath in dogs is a special wipe that was formulated to freshen a dog's teeth and gums. Breath sprays are also used to disguise bad breath.

If you do not want to use these products to cure bad breath in your dog, try giving him a carrot a day. Besides helping freshen his breath, the carrot has the added benefit of helping your dog's vision.
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